Technology > DVD Cutting Master Format Specification

Multiple DDVMS packets ties together with the DDVID packet to make complete DDVID.DAT file. DDVMS packet also ties together the various files required to complete the DVD image. These packets constitute both the data to be placed on the DVD disc and other data such as ordering information. The contents of the DDVMS packet are listed in Table 3-1.


Byte Length Symbol Name

0-3 4 MPV Map packet valid

4-5 2 DST Data stream type

6-13 8 ----- Reserved

14-21 8 DSL Data stream length

22-29 8 DSS Data stream start

30-37 8 ----- Reserved

38-39 2 CDM DVD mode

40 1 SSM Source storage mode

41 1 SCR Source materials scrambled

42-70 29 ----- Reserved

71-73 3 SIZ Size of data stream identifier

74-90 17 DSI Data stream identifier

91-127 37 ----- Reserved

Table 3-1. DDVMS Stream Packet Contents

Each DDVMS packet consists of 128-byte data stream. Each packet contains pointers and other information about data file which follows. Any unused data space in the DDVMS packet that is not used by a packet is padded with 00h. Packets are stored in the order in which the data is to be stored on the DVD Disc. The first map in any DDVMS packet begins on unit byte 0. When sequential access media is used, a packet named DDVMS is the second stream in the DDVID.DAT sequence. In order to identify this DDVMS packet, the first parameter, the Map packet valid /MPV, of first 4 bytes of DDVMS packet is used after identifying of DDVID.DAT file.

MPV — Map Packet Valid

Definition: MPV has the ASCII value of VVVM and identifies valid 128-byte map packets from invalid unused space in the map stream.

Byte: 0-3

Length: 4

Usage: VVVM = a valid 128-byte map packet

DST — Data Stream Type

Definition: DST contains an identification for the type of data described by this map packet. DM (Main) data is placed in the main channel of the DVD Disc. TS (Text) data is text data for comments and customer information and is not placed on the DVD Disc today. See section 4.0 Text Stream.

Byte: 4-5

Length: 2

Usage: D0 = DM (Main) — Data stream
D2 = DM (Main) — Lead-in data*
D5 = DM (Main) — VOB location table**
D7 = DM (Main) — Copy Protection Information File***
T5 = TS (Text) — Field oriented customer information**** (Strongly recommended)
All others reserved

Note — D2 describes streams that contain 16 sectors of control data to be placed in the lead-in of the DVD Disc. The stream does not contain the entire contents of lead-in. DVD Disc formatters must insert the contents of the stream into the lead-in being generated during mastering.

Note — D5 describes streams that contain a table that identifies the location of DVD VOB files on the final DVD disc. A stream pointed to by a D5 DDVMS packet is described in the section 5.0, titled VOB Location Table.

Note — D7 describes streams that contain information related to processing of copy protection systems. A stream pointed to by a D7 DDVMS packet is described in the section 6.0, titled Copy Protection Information.

Note — T5 describes streams that contain customer information in a specific field oriented manner.

Reserved — Reserved

Definition: Reserved.

Byte: 6-13

Length: 8

Usage: nnnnnnnn = 8 ASCII spaces.

DSL — Data Stream Length

Definition: DSL contains the amount of data in the stream described by the map packet. In the case of DM (Main) data, DSL contains the number of DVD sectors. In the case of TS (Text) data, DSL contains the exact number of valid bytes in the input data.

Byte: 14-21

Length: 8

Usage: 11111111 = the decimal number of sectors for D0 or D2 (Main) data or the decimal number of bytes for D5, D7, and T5 (Text) data.

DSS — Data Stream Start

Definition: DSS contains the address of the physical DVD Disc sector where DM (Main) data are placed on the DVD Disc. The address is stored in this field in base 10 format.

NOTE: This field is required for all surfaces.

NOTE: For Layer 1 Opposite Track Path DVD discs, the value for the address shall be the 1's complement of the actual address on the disc that the data will be placed.

Example 1:

The address of the first sector of the data area on the disc is 030000 (base 16), the value stored in this field will be 196608.

Example 2:

On Layer 1 Opposite Track Path, the surface will be cut from outer radius to inner radius. Therefore the first sector of data area is towards the outer radius of layer. If the address of the first sector of the data area on layer 1 is to be FCEFF0 (base 16), then the value for this field is computed as follows:

1's complement of FCEFF0 is 3100F(base 16)

3100F (base 16) is converted to 200719 (base 10)

The value stored in this field should then be 200719 (32 30 30 37 31 39 hex).

Byte: 22-29

Length: 8

Usage: ssssssss = The decimal address of physical sector expressed in ASCII characters.

Reserved — Reserved

Definition: Reserved

Byte: 30-37

Length: 8

Usage: nnnnnnnn = 8 ASCII spaces.

CDM — DVD Disc Mode

Definition: CDM describes what mode of data is to be recorded on the DVD Disc for this particular map packet. This is independent of how data is stored on the input media. CDM is filled with ASCII spaces when map packet is used for TS (Text) data.

Byte: 38-39

Length: 2

Usage: DV = DVD Disc

SSM — Source Storage Mode

Definition: SSM contains a description of how the input data is stored on the input media and is used in conjunction with CDM. SSM is filled with an ASCII space when a map packet is used for TS (Text) data , D5 data, or D7 data.

Byte: 40

Length: 1

Usage: 0 = (30 hex) User data only, Record size 2048 bytes

1 = (31 hex) Complete, Record size 2054 bytes

6 = (36 hex) Incomplete, Record size 2064 bytes
7 = (37 hex) Complete, Record size 2064 bytes

Note: DVD discs contain 2064 bytes of information per sector, divided as follows: ID (4 bytes), IEC (2 bytes), CPR_MAI(6 bytes), user data (2048 bytes) and error detection code (EDC) (4 bytes). When SSM = 0, ID, IEC, and EDC is generated, CPR_MAI is set to zero, and the user data is sent without modification. When SSM = 1, ID, IEC, and EDC is generated, and CPR_MAI and user data are sent without modification. When SSM = 6, ID, IEC, and EDC are ignored and regenerated, and CPR_MAI and user data are sent without modification. When SSM=7, the entire sector is sent without modification.

Note: When VOB Location Table /VOBTBL.DAT file is located in the sequence, the contents of CPR_MAI should follow the contents of VOBTBL.DAT file.

SCR — Source material scrambled

Definition: SCR contains information whether the data on input media has already been scrambled. An SCR of 1 is used only when SSM = 6 or 7. SCR is filled with an ASCII space when the map packet is used for TS (Text) data, D5 data, or D7 data.

Byte: 41

Length: 1

Usage: 0 = (hex 30) indicates data on input media is not scrambled
1 = (hex 31) indicates data on input media is scrambled

Reserved— Reserved

Definition: Reserved.

Byte: 42-70

Length: 29

Usage: nnn…..nnn = 28 ASCII spaces


Definition: SIZ contains the size, in decimal, of the data stream identifier (DSI) entry immediately following SIZ. For DDVID level 1.20, DSI is 17 characters. SIZ is filled with ASCII spaces when no DSI is present.

Byte: 71-73

Length: 3

Usage: nnn = a decimal number expressed in ASCII form (017 for DDVID level 1.20)

DSI — Data Stream Identifier

Definition: DSI contains the name of the TS (Text) file when used with logically accessed input media such as labeled tape. DSI also contains the name of DM (Main) files when used with logically accessed direct access media such as DOS files. Since DM (Main) type files must be mastered in the order in which they are stored on sequential logically accessed input media, DSI is not required for DM (Main) files, but is included anyway for operator convenience, although it is ignored by mastering. DSI is filled with ASCII spaces when not used.

Byte: 74-90

Length: 17

Usage: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn = 17 ASCII characters

Reserved — Reserved

Definition: Reserved.

Byte: 91-127

Length: 37

Usage: nnn…….nnn = 37 ASCII spaces


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